November 24, 2009

Stick to Stretching!

There are so many benefits from stretching! Most of us have been told or taught that it is important to stretch before and after working out, or maybe when recovering from an injury, or even to help a specific area of the body gain more mobility. Although the reasons for stretching may differ, there are a couple of things that you should always keep in mind to make it even more enjoyable. First you want to make sure that you are doing it right. Proper alignment is very important; it will give the intended muscles, tendons & joints a stretch without compromising other parts of the body. If you are unsure of your alignment ask your care provider or trainer for help. Also remember to listen to your body, if a stretch feels wrong, ease out of it using your breath to guide you back to a safe supported position. Breathing properly while stretching has huge benefits as well. Giving your muscles efficient amounts of oxygen will aid in getting a nice full deep stretch. Breathing deeply and slowly will relax your muscles and your mind.
If you are having trouble sticking to a stretching routine there are many ways to start incorporating it into your life. If you are more inclined to stretch in a class setting, try taking a Yin yoga class, being surrounded by like minded people can help to give you something to look forward to. If your schedule doesn’t fit with your neighborhood yoga studios, set aside some time at the end of your day. Even if you start with ten minutes, stretching before heading to bed is a great way to slip into a relaxed state of body and mind and can increase your chances of a great nights sleep.

November 11, 2009

Stress Less

There are many ways we can quiet the stress level in our lives. If we take the time to really tune in to ourselves and allow ourselves to listen to our inner voices we sometimes find that those voices have a lot to say! By listening to ourselves and keeping our stress levels in check we are giving ourselves a good dose of preventative medicine.

You could tweak your diet by increasing your intake of omega 3 fatty acids which will help keep the stress hormone cortisol in check. Extra B vitamins will help as well because they keep the nervous system functioning well. There are also benefits to adding extra vitamin C and E to your diet. Both vitamins C and E are antioxidants which protect from free radical damage and help to strengthen the immune system.

It is important to cut down on stimulants such as caffeine. Caffeine puts your body "on edge", so avoiding this excess stimulation will increase your chances of staying calm and slipping into a great nights sleep.

Practice an activity that shifts your focus from mind to body. When your focus is directed on a physical activity your mind has space to become quiet. Get active everyday, even if it's a walk after dinner, moving the body helps to open the spirit.

Remember to take on only what you can handle, be honest with yourself, and give yourself credit for what you do on a daily basis. Pat your self on the back when you complete important tasks, one job well done is better than many jobs done just ok. Also try to keep work at work and home at home if you feel overwhelmed in either place. If you have to, spend a little extra time finishing tasks or conversations where they start as opposed to carrying them with you. Finishing things where you started them will allow you to leave them in their proper place.

Make yourself the most important person in your daytimer, iphone or blackberry. Schedule time to do the things you like not just the things you have to do. Keeping a journal or writing down the next days tasks the night before a busy day will give you reassurance that you will accomplish what you'd like to. A journal is also a great place to vent if you need a non responsive, quiet sounding board. If being quiet isn't what you feel you need then let it out! Howl at the moon if it feels right, whatever way you decide to go about releasing your inner "Wild Thing" will be what's right for you. Letting your creative side shine is a wonderful way to get back to your roots. Dance, sing, paint. a hectic work day can be forgotten with a stroke of a brush against a canvas or a whirl around the living room.

November 03, 2009

Load up on Vitamin L!

Now is as good a time as any to load up on vitamin L. This essential vitamin is proven to increase giggling, improve positive thinking and huggability. This vitamin is particularly helpful in the recovery period of an illness or surgery, but it's use is not limited to just that. When we are healing it is important to heal the entire body, not just the physical ailments, but also the mind and spirit, vitamin L has all those benefits. As a little girl I believed that my Grandma had magical healing powers. I still believe that to this day but with the understanding that love has a lot to do with those "magical powers". I know now that it wasn't just the vicks vapor rub that made me feel better, it was the heart of the loving hands that applied it. Taking care of ourselves often involves taking care of each other, inevidably that produces vitamin L and a companion on the path to wellness.